Our Most Recent Awards
Sarasota Magazine has been distinguished as one of the best city magazines in the country

Florida Magazine Association
Charlie Awards
- Best Humor Writing
- Best In-Depth Reporting
- Best Column Writing
- Best Service Feature Writing
- Best Traditional Illustration
- Best Cover Photography
Silver Award
- Best In-Depth Reporting
- Best Public Service Coverage
- Best Photo Illustration
- Best Use of Photography
- Best Feature Design
- Best Social Media
- Best Overall Writing
Bronze Award
- Best Feature Design
- Best Cover Design
- Best Website
- Best Overall Design
City and Regional Magazine Awards
- Finalist, General Excellence
Society for Professional Journalism (Florida)
First Place
- Best Public Service Reporting
- Best Inside Design
Second Place
- Best Serious Feature
- Best Cover Design
Third Place
- Best Food & Travel Writing
Florida Magazine Association
Charlie Awards
- Best Overall Writing
- Best Overall Design
- Best In-Depth Reporting
- Best Service Feature
- Best Photo Illustration
- Best Cover Photography
- Best Single Department Image
- Best Cover Design
- Best Feature Design
Silver Award
- Best Use of Photography
- Best Department Design
- Best Advertisement for a Client
- Best Special Theme or Show Issue
Bronze Award
- Best Column
- Best Feature Headlines
- Best Traditional Illustration
- Best Typography
- Best Feature Design
- Best Social Media,
- Best Advertorial
City and Regional Magazine Awards
- Winner, Ancillary Publication/General Interest - For the Love of Our Arts
Society of Professional Journalism (Florida)
Second Place
- Best News Website (Small Newsroom)
- Best Trend Reporting
- Best Food & Travel WritingThird Place
- Best Serious Feature
- Best Light Feature
- Best Inside Design
Florida Magazine Association
Charlie Awards
- Best Writing: Public Service Coverage – “A Line in the Sand,” Isaac Eger
- Best Writing: Service Feature – “Open House,” Ilene Denton
- Best Writing: Feature Headlines – “If These Walls Could Talk, Greatest Shores on Earth, A Line in the Sand,” Susan Burns
- Best Overall: Design
- Best Digital: Magazine Website – Sarasotamagazine.com (Sarasota Magazine Staff)
- Best Traditional Illustration - “A Line in the Sand,” Michael Byers
- Best Photography: Single Feature Image – “The IMG Effect,” Everett Dennison
- Best Design: Typography – “The Elephant Polka,” Gigi Ortwein
- Best Advertisement: For a Client – “Arts Alliance,” Michael Cronin
- Best Special Theme or Show Issue – “For the Love of the Arts,” Kay Kipling, Lauren Pritchard, Sarasota Magazine Staff
Silver Award
- Best Overall: Magazine
- Best Overall: Writing – March/November/Insiders, Sarasota Magazine Staff
- Best Writing: Feature – “I Will Never Go Away,” Elizabeth Djinis
- Best Traditional Illustration – September-October 2020 Cover, Gigi Ortwein and Chanelle Nibbelink
- Best Photography: Photo Essay/Series – “Natural Wonders,” Sarasota Magazine Staff
- Best Photography: Cover – May-June 2020 Cover, Gigi Ortwein
- Best Design: Use of Photography - “Greatest Shores on Earth, Journey to the End of Florida, Parks to Play In,”Sarasota Magazine Staff
- Best Design: Typography – “Coloring Her World,” Gigi Ortwein
- Best Design: Cover – April 2020 Cover, Gigi Ortwein
Bronze Award
- Best Photo Illustration – “Go Figure,” Gigi Ortwein
- Best Photography: Single Department Image – “Destined to Play,” Joe Lipstein
- Best Digital: Social Media – Sarasota Magazine Social Media (Megan McDonald)
City and Regional Magazine Awards
- Finalist, Civic Journalism – “A Line in the Sand,” Isaac Eger
- Parket Thomson Media Award
- First Place - “A Line in the Sand,” Isaac Eger
Florida Magazine Association
Charlie Awards
- Best Digital: Magazine Website - Sarasotamagazine.com
- Best Overall: Writing - November, December, January 2019 Issues
- Best Design: Cover - July 2019 Issue
- Best Traditional Illustration - “Lost World,” Christina Chung
- Best Photography: Photo Essay/Series - “Picture This,” Jenny Acheson, Everett Dennison, Chris Lake,Brad McCourtney, Chad Spencer
- Best Photography: Single Department Image - “Snake Hunter,” Fred Lopez
- Best Design: Use of Photography - “Gulf Feast, Top 50 Restaurants, Top Tickets”
- Best Design: Department - “Only in Sarasota, June and Sep”
- Best Design: Feature - “Gulf Feast,” Lauren Pritchard
- Best Advertorial: Story or Section - “Suffragist Project”
- Best Special Theme or Show Issue - March 2019 Issue
- Best Redesign - April & November 2019 Issues
Silver Award
- Best Overall: Magazine - January, November, December 2019 Issues
- Best Overall: Design - January, July, November 2019 Issues
- Best Digital: Social Media
- Best Writing: Feature - “T-Shirt Wars,” Cooper Levey-Baker
- Best Writing: Public Service Coverage - “Addicted at Birth,” Cooper Levey-Baker
- Best Writing: Humor - “Chatterbox: End of the World,” Robert Plunkett
- Best Writing: Service Feature - “Happy Trails,” Isaac Eger
- Best Writing: Feature Headlines - “T-Shirt Wars, There Goes the Neighborhood, I Wouldn't Piss me Off,”Cooper Levey-Baker, David Hackett
- Best Photography: Single Feature Image - “Fitness Fighters,” Everett Dennison
- Best Design: Typography - “Jet Set,” Gigi Ortwein
Bronze Award
- Best Writing: Feature - “Paper Cuts,” David Hackett
- Best Writing: Public Service Coverage - “Putting the Pieces Together,” Pam Daniel
- Best Writing: Humor - “Chatterbox: Social Media Influencer,” Robert Plunkett
- Best Writing: Service Feature - “Grab and Go,” Cooper Levey-Baker
- Best Photo Illustration - “There Goes the Neighborhood,” Patrick Boyer
- Best Photography: Single Feature Image - “Fashion,” Mark Farmwald
- Best Design: Typography - “Cut the Grass,” Gigi Ortwein
Society of Professional Journalists (FLORIDA)
- First Place, Inside Design
- Second Place, Cover Design
- Third Place, Public Service Reporting
City and Regional Magazine Awards
- Finalist- “General Excellence I”
American Advertising Awards (Suncoast)
- Sales & Marketing: Card, Invitation or Announcement Campaign -“SAF Mod Weekend,” Michael Cronin
- Sales & Marketing: Magazine Design -“Sarasota Magazine Arts Calendar,” Michael Cronin